The Top Ten Lies Men Tell (Revised 8/13/10)

10. She is my “sister.”
9. I amĀ NOT married.
8. I lost my cell phone yesterday.
7. It is not YOU it is just ME.
6. I was at my mom’s house cutting the grass.
5. I had to work late again.
4. You are the only one for me.
3. I will be right back.
2. I am NOT gay, I am saved and don’t believe in pre-marital sex with women!
1. I love you, I really do!

Bold-updates and revision

Now that you have read this list, is it true, partially true or just full of lies? Let me hear your comments on the BLOG!

If any of these lies are prevalent in your relationship, this tension can lead to depression. Take the Dr. Owens, M.D. Pre-Screen Mental Health Assessment check your mental health status!


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