Spring Cleaning: Do You Hate Your Job?

Question of the Day;

Is Going To Work Everyday Becoming a Chore?

Nothing is more endearing than seeing five-year olds announce to their Kindergarten class what they want to be when they “grow up.”
As time goes on and we grow older, our minds change and we become more attracted to practical career options. Despite our childhood dreams, most of us find occupations like “teacher” more appealing than the “circus-trainer,” and “doctor” more fitting than “rock star.” However, some people find themselves arriving at a point in their career where they open their eyes and discover, “I hate my job.”

With an incredibly challenging job market, opportunities are scarce and many talented jobseekers are left with few (or no) options. Conversely, people who are employed can feel trapped in a job they hate with no option to quit and tough competition elsewhere. With student loans, bills and credit card payments looming ahead, I would NOT suggest quitting any job until you’ve secured another offer. Yet, I do promote looking for other positions and/or considering going back to school if it’s aligned with your goals.

In the meantime, here are 5 tips on how to “spring clean” that “hate my job” mentality off your work desk and MOVE FORWARD:

1. Remember that Gratitude is the Remedy for Frustration.

In this economy, feel lucky to have a job and quite frankly, an income. Thousands of unemployed people would be happy to have any job… even yours. That can be easy to forget when you aren’t happy working at your current position. However, being unemployed would likely be worse.

2. Set Realistic Expectations.

Even with the most ideal jobs, jobs are jobs… and work is hard. There are going to be good and bad days. Conflicts, frustrations, setbacks and failure are a part of life. Anticipate obstacles and you’ll be more able to overcome them. An obstacle isn’t the end.

3. Determine your Source of Dissatisfaction.

What do you hate most about your job? What do you like most? Do you feel that your professional strengths are being utilized? Do you work for a difficult supervisor? Pinpointing the reasons that you are less-than-satisfied with your work experience will promote your ability to make more appropriate decisions. You must identify the source of your frustration before you can change it.

4.  “Outsource” your Energy.

Find someone to talk to- without negativity. Complaining will only make the problem worse and make you (and your listener) miserable. Instead, find a trusty friend that is non-judgmental, objective and most likely to offer constructive opinion. While in the workplace, encourage a co-worker and take the focus off of yourself. By planting positive energy in your working space, you’re more likely to attract the same. If you don’t keep your head up, you won’t be able to see the good.

5. Make your Action Plan.

Once you have achieved a more healthy outlook on your situation, targeted your source of job dissatisfaction and set realistic expectations, it’s time to start setting goals. What you are aiming for should be plotted out in your custom “action plan.” Set attainable goals and deadlines that reflect what you’ve discovered through this exercise. Respond to each of these goals with methods of how to achieve them.  Keep on track by focusing on the “big picture” and recognizing each stepping-stone you must overcome in order to get where you want to be.

I believe in the expression “do what you love and the success will come.” Every individual is rewarded in a different way. The most important thing is that you’re making decisions that are best for you (and those that depend on you). Life is too short to be trapped in a place that makes you feel miserable! You may not be able to make an immediate change; however, if you plan ahead, you’ll get ahead.


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