What is Going On in Black Hollywood?

So two weeks after the WHITEST Oscars in years several black actors had a lot to say about why there was a lack of chocolate at this year’s award ceremony and why blacks weren’t nominated.

Idris Elba drops this bomb:

“I don’t like all of Tyler Perry’s films. Yes, I did work with Tyler for “Daddy’s Little Girls” because it portrayed a positive image of a black father. I am happy for    Tyler’s success…we need Tyler Perry…by going to support his movies, we need to show economic strength. But we are also responsible for elevating film. I’m not with buffoonish characters like Madea or Big Momma.”




Anthony Mackie from “The Adjustment Bureau:”

“I think right now [blacks] are being kinda lazy on our game,” Mackie said. “There are enough brothers with distribution deals and production deals where we should be making our own movies.”

“Oprah got her own network,” Mackie said. “Michael Jordan own a franchise. We got black money. So there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to tell the stories that we want to tell and portray ourselves the way we want to be portrayed.”


Samuel L. Jackson pips in:

It’s obvious there’s not ONE Black male actor in Hollywood that’s able to read a teleprompter, or that’s ‘hip enuf,’ for the new academy demographic!” Jackson wrote. “In the Hollywood I saw tonite, I don’t exist nor does Denzel, Eddie, Will, Jamie, or even a young comer like Anthony Mackie!”

What do you think? Are black actors/actresses portraying themselves in roles to advance the image of blacks in the media, or most just taking whatever available roles are paying?

Do you agree with Elba’s statment about Tyler Perry?

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