Man Makes A Fool of Himself When GF Denies Marriage Proposal

Woman Says NO To Proposal In Crowded Room

Imagine finally working up the nerve to propose to the woman of your dreams.  You pick out the ring, plan the evening, get down on one knee…and she says, “No.”

How about in a crowded room full of people…as you talk on the mic.

Talk about a blower to your self-esteem. Watch perhaps one of the worst marriage proposals ever…below.


The woman can be seen mouthing,

“You can’t fix this, like this.”

Guys making a marriage proposal when you’ve messed up, will NOT fix the issues in your relationship.

That’s one strong woman to say no to him in a room full of people….*cues Beyonce

Nothing worse than unrequited love….

How would you have reacted in this situation?

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