Father Kills, Kidnaps And Drowns Young Sons

Five-Year-Old Was Going To First Day of Kindergarten

Naim Rasool Muhammad, 32,  is accused of kidnapping his sons – Elijah, 3 and Naim, 5 – along with their mother, as the trio walked to little Naim’s first day of kindergarten.

Muhammad had gotten into an argument with the boys’ 22-year-old mother, police said. The two have a history domestic violence and are separated.

He ordered them into his car, threatening them with a brick and “saying he would strike them with that,” Deputy Chief Craig Miller of the Dallas Police Department told KDAF 33 News in Dallas.

The 22-year-old mother, whose name was not released, later saw a Dallas constable and jumped from the car while stopped at a red light. Muhammad then sped away.

“Get that car. Get that car. He’s got my kids. He’s going to kill my kids,”

their mother screamed as Muhammad sped away, the Dallas Morning News reported.

The suspect’s mother Naimah Muhammad called 911 and directed authorities to a nearby creek where the bodies of Naim and Elijah were found, in the back of his car.

A 1-year-old child of Muhammad’s was safe after the babysitter refused to let him pick up the child.

What a sick story! Domestic violence is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. So many people, men and women lose their lives because of a loved one’s diminished mental capacity.

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