Woman Fakes Daughter’s Death for Money

Now I’ve heard of some pretty outrageous schemes to make money but this one is just plain twisted.

As reported by Fox31 Denver:

MEMPHIS, Tenn — A Memphis mother is accused of lying about her daughter’s death and taking money from co-workers to pay for the child’s funeral. Of course, the funeral never happened and that’s when 24-year-old Jessica Banks was arrested. Police say Banks admitted she told co-workers at New Breed Logistics her 22-month-old daughter died from an asthma attack. She told investigators she did it because she wanted attention and friends, and wanted someone to feel sorry for her.

I know life’s problems can be tough to deal with at times but lying about something as serious as a child dying  in order to receive help is not the way to go. Especially when you justify it by saying you just wanted some attention. Pulling a stunt like this will get you attention alright,  the type of attention that will have you front and center on a couch in my office.

Tell me your thoughts on this fake funeral fiasco!

Dr. O

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