The End Result

Your wedding day- the day that you’ve dreamed off since the tender age of twelve,  as you pretended to have your own ceremony with your best friend as she played the groom and you the bride with a pillow case over your head for a veil. I’m sure that most women would place the moment their man proposed or will propose in their top five best moments ever list. You wait and wait for that special someone to come along and when he does, it makes all the hassle of finding a mate worthwhile.

I have yet to tie the knot, but I think I have a pretty good idea of how a successful marriage ought to go, after watching my parents for most of their 24 year union. Marriage is about building a life together. A life that’s suitable for the both of you. A life that usually involves kids, but it doesn’t have to, a home you share, joint checking accounts, and probably a few pets. Marriage is compromise. Two parties can and will disagree but in the end, they should always come to some sort of mutual agreement about the subject at hand. Marriage is tears, pain, laughter, and joy. Marriage is everything good and bad wrapped into one.

A long, sustained relationship is what most people want out of their union. The assurance that someone will be there for you through thick and thin, love you past your morning breath, and raise a family with you is something that people should strive for and work to maintain.

Relationships are like any other job. You have to put the work in if you want your end result to turn out the best way possible.

-C. Goggins

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