Healing, Hope and a Refreshed Mind…AskDrO

Healing, hope and refreshing are words of positive affirmation. Many use the word healing but we should declare “healed” if we are believers. Our “Faith” is the important ingredient for continued growth. Our success in contingent upon our thinking. Hope is that tangible thing that usually sustains the believer. This usually leads to the refreshing.

In life, we are faced with numerous challenges. Sometimes, it appears that they are coming too fast and surrender seems imminent. However, this is when we have to pause and grab hold of our “faith” and take a deep breath. You don’t have to be deep our mystical to survive. However, you have to have a system of coping for resilience. Each challenge should make you stronger. Lessons learned makes us better and more aware of new forces.

How can I be HEALED if my depression and anxiety are still active? First began by activating your belief. Second, get professional help and treatment. Finally accept the manifestation of being “healed.” Don’t be afraid because it will happen.

What is HOPE in a world with wars and rumors of wars? You are a part of a protected class. Nothing will happen accept God allows it to happen. If he allows it to happen, he will give us the strength to endure what ever happens. This has to be your mantra.

When does my REFRESHING come I just can’t seem to get a break? It comes when you declare it. Your refreshing will come.

Ways to cope in stressful times

  • Develop a life of meditation and prayer
  • Read more positive literature (self-help)
  • Watch your Diet (decrease your carbohydrate intake)
  • Increase your water intake
  • More fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Dissociate from negative energy family members and friends
  • Listen to positive music and tapes
  • Seek professional help if needed
  • Develop a positive lifestyle
  • Exercise at least three times a week

Feel free to visit our blog at www.askdro.com for more positive self-help articles. Also, we are available for psychotherapy and self-help interventions,also. Call our office at 404-575-4785.

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