Fantasia’s ‘Lovechild’ Abortion

Fantasia Barrino/Antwaun Cook

It looks like Fantasia’s floodgates are finally opening! In a recent testimony during the divorce case of boyfriend Antwaun Cook and his wife Paula, American Idol icon Fantasia Barrino admitted that she was once pregnant by Cook, but later aborted the child. Not only that, but it happened around the time of her failed suicide attempt! She further went on to state that she knew Antwaun “on and off for about 11 months” but was convinced that he was separated. Throughout this whole court process, she remains together with Antwaun, even after being named as a “home wrecker” by his  soon-to-be “ex wife”.

So it looks like Fantasia is another statistic for women who undergo abortions in their mid- to late-twenties. Statistics show that even though the rate of abortions in the U.S. are decreasing, more than 45 million abortions have been performed over the course of 20 years. The methods used are getting unimaginable, largely due to pro-life supporters and recession issues. Many women are fearful of backlash in their communities, so they resort to back-alley abortions and other risky procedures. Not only does this affect the woman’s body physically, but many emotional scars form as a result. This can lead to PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), depression, anxiety and anger issues, emotional imbalance and other mental health ailments.

I don’t think this situation is going to get any easier for Fantasia….AT ALL!  We are attempting to turn a deaf ear in the African-American community, however it aint working.  What’s next, another suicide attempt? Fantasia needs to seek REAL psychiatrist support and help? What do you think? Is there a crisis in the Black “Pop Culture?”

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