Oh MY GOD! Say it ain’t so…RHOA-Phaedra Parks Allegedly Involved in Past Criminal Activity

This is a must see video. I am just speechless and I am trying to process this video. Is this the truth? Is this a lie? What do you think? Check out this video…..These are not the views of AskDrO-This is a video production of VIBE!


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I am sure that this will certainly go viral in the next couple of days.  I have certainly been watching the RHOA lately with some concern, but this is a bomb-scare. What is worse there is a Part II.

The old saying goes, “What is done in the dark, will soon come to light!” This video could have several serious implications for the star. I don’t know Angela Stanton-but when I got the tip last night, I had to post this one for your perusal.

Ms. Stanton’s book comes out in a couple of days. I want the opportunity to read the book and form and intelligent opinion.

What are your ideas about this video? Do you believe the allegations? What could this mean for the Star Attorney Phaedra if True? Oh My God!

I need to hear from you readers and stay tuned…there is evidently more to come….


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