When Should Titty-Time Be Over? The Breastfeeding Dilemma!

I guess by now we have all seen the cover of TIME Magazine.  There is a 3 year old boy, standing in a chair, doing what would seem natural.  However, in my opinion enough is enough. If you can pull on it, grab it, and or ask for it, TITTY-TIME should be over.  In life,  we all must all progress and develop over time in effort to move forward and beyond life’s challenges. (epigenesis) Failure to do this timely is sometimes referred to as developmental delay.  In the old days when would use derogatory terms such as, mentally retarded.  Although we professionals  no longer use this terminology, others can be cruel and sometimes might just say anything. However, I guess what you do with your kids is pretty much your own business but always remember-one day they will have to meet society head on. This breast-feeding stuff in America is a trip! I think that over-exposure to anything can be a problem. I am not opposed to mom’s feeding their babies in public.

However, I do have a problem with mom’s feeding toodler’s with tittys when a happy meal would be more appropriate. Yes, I said it and I will not take it back. Somethings are just provocative and inappropriate.  Now a lot of people may feel like it is the mom’s body and she can do with it whatever she wants to do. I certainly agree but if I were to walk down the street and start peeing (if there is such a word)on the sidewalk, I would be arrested.  Some of you will challenge me and say that it is not the same.

However, I would rebut the statement. In both cases there are bodily excretions being discharged.  One purposeful and the other maybe considered involuntary. You can figure out which one is which for yourself…


Tell me what you think about this on going phenomenon ?



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