Dr.O, “Do I Really Need to See a Psychiatrist?”

First, if you are reading this post, you probably do need to see someone. LOL  This is a question that a lot of people ponder in their mind. They wonder just how long do you let those depressed feelings go before taking action? How long to you have unreasonable fear/paranoia before getting help? How long do I stay in this abusive relationship? This is some common questions that many of you may or may not have pondered. The answer is simple, when you’ve had enough and the problem begins to affect your social and occupational functioning you should seek help.


The first step when it comes to reaching out for help in this area is “Accepting the fact that you may or may not have a problem. ” This is probably easier said than done but many people reach out and find that seeing a therapist weekly or monthly is very helpful.  It is nothing like having a professional who really understands what you are going through and will keep your secrets confidential. Be sure that you check the credentials of the person before you disclose very personal and upfront information.

Step II:

Be prepared to become a little uncomfortable. Therapy can be difficult and sometimes the exchange can be heated between you and your doctor/therapist. We confront bad behaviors. You only come to the doctor when there is some kind of pain. Usually with us, it is emotional pain or letting  go of something that is bad for you. Don’t get mad if your therapist shares something that you already know but did not want confirmed. Take the medicine. Sometimes medicine doesn’t taste that good. Of course, your provider-of-services should NOT be mean, nasty or degrading but they may have to be a little confrontational.

Step III:

Be prepared to dream and process about your therapy outside of sessions. A good psychiatrist/therapist should “unlock your unconscious.”  As a result, you may start having vivid dreams and become a little emotional before, after and during the sessions. This is very good. You should feel like something is happening and not been afraid to confront your past demons. Therapy can be a little difficult especially when you have chosen substance abuse or eating as a self-palliative behavior instead of really dealing with your issues.


Step IV:
Be prepared to accept the physician/therapist’s recommendation. They may suggest homework, i.e. letter writing or eben a phone-coversation with the person taht has caused you physical and or emotional harm. Don’;t be afraid especially if this is a part of a treatment plan that you understand. Oftentimes. it is uncomfortable but the outcome(s) are great. Therapy can be just like surgery, especially when the pain is deep. Many patients have problems that date back to childhood so the process can be long, involved and at time grueling but very rewarding.

Step V:

Be prepared to change. This is the goal of therapy. A lot of us continues in cycles of pain. A lot of us deal with generational curses. A lot of us, hide dark secrets. Illumination is good for the soul. Many of you have tried shouting-it-out and even drinking-it-out but neither process worked. A good psychiatrsit.therapist employess just the right techinique for each patient so that the outcomes will be positive.


In conclusion you may need to seek professional help if:

  1. There is some unresolved pain from childhood.
  2. Your are morbidly obese.
  3. You are always sad.
  4. You have difficulty getting along with others.
  5. You cant seemilgly get life right.
  6. You continuously get into “bad relationships.”
  7. You hate your mother.
  8. You hate your father.
  9. You are conflicted about your sexuality.
  10. You remain in an abusive relationships.

You may also want to go to www.drowensmd.com  and take the assessment quiz or even purchase my book @ www.AskDrO.com.  These may both be helpful for you but they will not take the place of the recommended one-on-one therapy with a licensed professional in the area of mental health.


Once again thanks for stopping by,


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