Beyonce and “The Last Supper” ? Is King Bey Rocking her Throne?

Okay, okay. Forgive me fans of the Beehive, but this just has to be said! I think Beyonce may have gone a little TOO far by inviting herself to the “Last Supper”! No I don’t think its just a picture or it just happened to be a coincidence that she’s blocking out the guest of honor (JESUS THE CHRIST) in the iconic painting. A bold and boastful move.

Yes I know Blue Ivy’s momma is breaking records with her recent surprise album release, her long, money train and high profile family BUT I have to draw the line somewhere. While Mrs. Carter has yet to publicly address the backlash against the picture, I’m more then curious to discover how she will justify the photograph. I mean how many ways can you spin why you seemingly inserted  yourself into the Savior of the world’s seat at the table? I know it may appear that she gets most of what she wants in life but “The Last Supper” was one party she didn’t get invited to.

According to News One, the singer recently posted the photo to her Instagram account and it’s caused quite a bit of controversy ever since.

Maybe Bey was influenced by another artist *cough, cough* like Kanye West and his “Yezzus” charade (who I also think has misrepresented and downplayed Jesus). Maybe you say it’s just a picture and the public shouldn’t get so defensive. Maybe you’re down with Bey no matter what she does. BUT….if you feel that this picture is just the littlest bit disrespectful or makes you say “hmmmmm”, leave your comment below.



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