Bad Sex: Could this be a new DSM V Disorder?

Bad sex can be a curse. A teapot that won’t boil is comparable to sex without an orgasm.  As a psychiatrist this is a common complaint from many women. In training, I learned that approximately 50% of females never achieve orgasm.  Is this still true today?  This can be a very serious problem.  However, it is usually the psychiatrist that women turn to for help.  However, do you think this should be a DSM-V diagnosis?

‘He get on top of me and do his business!’ This is a famous line from the “Color Purple.”  Regrettably, this still is still the case for many women today.  As a physician, I would like to share with you some reasons that have been shared with me in the past.


  1.  Poor Technique
  2.  Rushing (also known as Premature Ejaculation)
  3.  Absence of poor foreplay
  4.  No variety and or spice
  5.  Poor mouth and body odor
  6.  Size Issues (no lol) “Where’s the beef?”
  7.  Strict religious beliefs (Pentecostals and Catholics) “Don’t touch or do that!”
  8.  Health Problems (cancer, depression and menopause)
  9.  Sexuality Issues (wrong-type of partner)
  10.  History of “excessive” vibrator use. “Honey, I don’t need no man.”

This can lead to a lot of frustration and anger. It (anorgasmia) can also lead to poor job performance. Not to mention issues in church groups and other social organizations. This disease can leave people uptight and with a Type A personality. Conversely depression, anxiety and hypochondriasis can surface. I don’t mind talking through this tough subject with patients. However, be sure to find a committed, sensitive and competent clinician.  Sex is an important and normal part of life.  You are not alone, if this has been your experience.  I am sure many will peep at this article and cut and paste to to share with friends.

Ladies and Gents I would like to hear your opinion on this….


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