Rape Culture vs. Risky Behavior






Rape has no warning but risky behavior does! Last Friday we blogged on the issue of rape on college campuses. Knowing that rape is a terrifying reality outside of the educational scene, we promised to follow up with ways to spot potentially dangerous companions in the younger crowd. Companions being friends, class or workmates, or worst, lovers. Rape is unprecedented and most rapists can not be avoided. However, we do believe that there are some particular behaviors that may indicate that a person would be willing to partake in harmful sexual activities.


These behaviors are what we see becoming common characteristics of the developing lifestyle:

  • Obsessive use of stimulating drugs and alcohol in the night time.
    • The use of popular drugs like Xanax, Cocaine, Heroin, Codeine, and alcohol simultaneously is increasing. These practices easily impair judgment and raise sexual hormones. As human beings we generally look for affection in the afterhours.
  • Sexual advances under comprising circumstances.
    • People who gesture towards getting others drunk in order to bring about sexual attention and anything of the sort.
  • Those willing to participate in group or extraneous sexual acts under influence or otherwise.
    • Over sexualized expression can reveal hidden sexual desires.
  • Bullying
    • People who are bullies, tend to bully others in more ways than one. They view themselves as superior and usually do not wait for consent to proceed in their actions.
  • Strong opposition towards members of the opposite sex.
    • Sexism often leads to strict and one-sided expectations on gender roles and a lack of respect for the best interest of those of the opposite sex.
  • Strong expression of carelessness when it comes to sex, free will, and the well being of those involved.
  • Lack of solid, moral understanding of right and wrong when it comes to consent.
    • These people tend to normalize rape and inappropriateness through jokes and other casual gestures.

It is essential to mention that these signs do not mean a person is a rapist and we are not deeming them as harmful acts, but we do believe that they contribute to risky behavior. The underlying message we are trying to make is that, new world tendencies have bent the definitions of wrong and sometimes we passively overlook what mentality results from that. Do you o any of your friends exhibit or participate is any of this behavior? If so, we encourage to develop a fundamental set of principles that keep you from harming others.


Happy Monday Readers and we hope you enjoyed your Mothers’ Day!


Please watch this to get a better idea on rape culture in college.

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