10 Ways to Stay Out of Church Drama: According to AskDrO

* DISCLAIMER: The names and identities of persons and churches identified in items 1 through 10 have been changed to protect them from removal off of any current auxiliary that they may be on.


1. Stay out of intimate/sexual relationships with Pastors, deacons, fellow choir members and or trustees at your local church.

2. Don’t BORROW emergency or short-term loans from the church.

3. Stay away from Auxiliaries that meet on Sunday’s after service or more than once in any month.

4. Don’t participate in ANY church gossip.

5. Leave immediately after the benediction is given no matter what the truth or dare (no food purchases or afternoon workshops).

6. If you are in erotically in love with a married male/female at your church, move your membership.

7. Go to church for two purposes only, to PRAISE and WORSHIP God.

8. Don’t participate in off-campus bible study groups that originated at your local church.

9. Don’t talk about your Pastor to anyone. If you have a concern, make an appointment with him only and definitely not his wife/significant other(s).

10. Read your bible, study God’s word and pray daily so that you will not hear, see, speak or do NO evil.

If you abide by the above Rules of Engagement, you shouldn’t have to change churches again!#enough-said

For more information on this and other interesting topics, feel free to go to www.askdro.com.


Picture source: http://thisweconfess.wordpress.com/tag/lutheran/


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