Sex With Strangers


Sex, Companionship, and YOU!

              Sex with strangers verses companionship are trivia games in 2016. There are a number of factors that have contributed to the diluted and ever changing perception of sex like the media, school communities, and even family structures. Does companionship lead to sex, sex lead to companionship, or does sex suffice as a level of companionship where things are left “understood?” This is not an article on religion, law changes, soul ties, or STDs, but more so a light-hearted description of the how you may want to adjust to new world circumstances. New fads and resources have forcefully endorsed a free-spirited lifestyle where the term sex is free from personal worth and morals. As a result, most people will argue that sex and how you have it or who you have it with does not dictate your value as a woman or man. Embodying the idea of self-expression and freedom, here at Dr.O we whole-heartedly agree with similar notions and do not believe in tying your value to your sexual preferences. In the same breath, we must acknowledge that if sex is not efficiently handled by the psyche, sex with strangers or shallow encounters can be inherently draining and unfulfilling.

Dating has lost its ease and appeal and more people are resulting to platonic sexual encounters or online dating. The internet offers a variety of apps and sites where you can pretty much find exactly what you are looking for. Apps like Tinder, SoulSwipe and more serve as meeting places for those who are looking for more subtle relationships. Other apps like Grindr, Adulthookup and more serve as meeting places for those looking for sex with strangers. Through all platforms, you can chat or simply exchange addresses. The apps allow you to find people that match every preference you may have like short, slim thick, red hair, long legs, career preferences, even the car you want them to drive and more. It even allows you to read their sexual fantasies to see if they are into the some of the acts, positions, or the number of partners that you may be interested in. In other words, the internet has made it possible to order sex however you want it to your front door. Sex has not lost its appeal, but stable companionship has. It has become increasingly difficult for men and women to find counterparts looking to get to know one another before sex is involved. Some even say sex is something they require in order for them to know if they even want to pursue and get to know the person

The question does not concern whether these alternate views on sex are right or wrong, but what is important is that you develop a strong set of principles for yourself. Sex and dating both must be effeciently handled by your psyche so that you are living happily in this free world. If you prefer compansion first, tolernate nothing less. If you prefer sex first, understand that you are bypassing a lot of information that may be helpful in dealing with that person. You must also understand how sex contributes to the longetivity of relationships. Sex may make them want you more or they may leave right after. It is all about how you view things. We strongly encourage to ride this wave of free-spiritedness in a way that is tailored to cater to your desires and principles. Moreover, we encourage you to see clearly, control your life, and most importlany keep your heart, mind, soul and BODY healthy!




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