Angry Christians Sick of Eddie Long’s “Cologne” Too…

Bishop Eddie Long's Today's Gospel Magazine

Well, it seems that Jamal Parris isn’t the only one who feels repulsed by Long’s allegations denial. Apparently the foul stench of it has reached out to Christians by the thousands. A recent issue of Gospel Today featured the religion giant on its cover, headlining that Long was “at the center of the scandal that rocked the church world!” Because of this “sugar-coated” statement, Christians the nation over launched an all-out verbal attack, saying that the Bishop’s appearance on the cover was a result of his money and influence. The readers also went on to accuse Gospel Today magazine as unethical, lacking objectivity because Bishop Long is actually a CHAIRMAN of the magazine’s board!

This meant that most of the truth about the 4 boys’ allegations was swept under the rug, doctored and fashioned in a way more supportive and biased towards Long’s innocence. The majority of the magazine’s readers agree that the “no comment” solution should have been given further thought, but not Teresa Hairston, the magazine’s publisher. In response to much “hate mail”, she eloquently concluded that Gospel Today took a Biblical perspective and approach to Long’s situation. Additionally, Hairston encouraged the responses of the magazine’s readers, and pray that God would turn Long’s situation into “something that will be used for His glory”!

Despite many members and non-members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church calling for Long’s resignation, there are still those who prefer his retention over his suspension. I don’t know about you, but Ms. Hairston’s “softball” approach seemed like she was omitting his legal troubles from the ordeal. Either way, I would prefer NOT to see Bishop Long’s face on any more promotional paraphernalia, perhaps even the pulpit itself.

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