The New “Marijuana:” K-2/Spice

Case Vignette:  John Doe a sixteen year old high school student persents to your office with chest pain and paranoia. You query him about drug and alcohol use, and of course he denies.  His parents are with him in the examination room.  The parents agree to a UDS. (Urine Drug Screen) It comes back negative for alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, cannabis, and amphetamines.  You go ahead and request an EKG and it has some positive changes. What is the most likely agent?

Answer: K-2/Spice

  1. Has your son/daughter been complaining of chest pains lately?
  2. Do they also seem a little more paranoid than usual?
  3. Do you suspect drug usage?
  4. Have they been spending more nights out late?
  5. Do you have a strange suspcion that they are using drugs?

Now check out this video:


The new “marijuana” or K-2/Spice is a very dangerous illegal drug.  This drug is associated with a number of serious side-effects, illnesses and deaths. Although there is very limited data, in the medical literature about this drug, we do know that it is very  dangerous.

Take Home Points of K-2/Spice:

  • Not for human consumption
  • Incense
  • People smoke it like marijuana
  • kids can present with chest pains
  • Urine Drug Screens are usually negative
  • Can get EKG changes
  • May require the medical attention/ services of a cardiologist
  • Associated with suicide
  • Associated with self-mutilation
  • Associated with homicides

Other names for this drug include; Ivory Wave, Purple Wave, Red Dove, Blue Silk, Zoom, Bloom, Cloud Nine, Ocean Snow, Lunar Wave, Vanilla Sky, White Lightning, Scarface and Hurricane Charlie.

Now if you suspect that your son or daughter is using this drug, take them to the nearest emergency room to be evaluated.



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