Coffee vs. Tea vs. Coca Cola

Coffee vs. Tea vs. Coco Cola Outside of water, coffee is the world’s tipple of choice. Every single day Americans drink a whopping 400 million cups of coffee, with more than half of Americans above the age of 18 partaking in caffeine hit every day. Coffee is very energizing and also for waking you up on your way out the door for a good day of work or class. However, most coffee wile good tasting sends many people blood pressures through the roof. There is a new coffee /tea in town called Organo Gold! The 100% Arabica bean coffee is mixed with the reishi mushroom, which has been used in Chinese healthcare for more than 4,000 years with unparalleled success. It’s hugely expensive because it is incredibly difficult to grow, but even the smallest amount of it has great benefits to people’s everyday health. It makes their immune system stronger, enabling them to fight off common colds which otherwise get them down. It has a pep boost similar to caffeine but without the comedown.
Why is it called Organo? You may ask. Well, that’s because the entire product is 100% organic. In today’s world where everything is over processed, it’s important to know the history of a product. This is all natural. Coco Cola like many other acid based drinks are not at all good for you not many coffees are either but this Organo Gold Coffee and Tea is the best because it has the King of herbs Ganoderma, The number one Chinese herb for thousands of years . This delicious instant coffee is available in instant mix packets with different options, depending on how you like your coffee. Black, white, latte or mocha, it’s all here. Gourmet taste has been combined with medicinal knowledge to give the perfect product for one and all. you can purchase from

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