Are You Tired of Being Single? AskDrO Weighs In

A lot of people have a difficult time being alone. Are you one of those persons that has a difficult time beign without a significant other?  Do you find yourself depressed because after all of these years you still don’t have a boo? Are you sick of the one-night stands that lead to nothing? Are you tired of feeling dirty and used after he/she leaves? Well, there is a simple solution that might just suprise most of the readers.

The first step:

Do a self-analysis of why you are alone. You may not be able to come up with all of the answers but just think about it and try to process to see where you think that you are?

The second step:

Don’t be afraid of the truth.  Sometimes we might find out some scary things about ourselves. This is o.k. and alright. Self-Introspection is good occasionally just not too much.

The third and final step:

Be true to thine ownself. If you have low self-esteem, problems with your grooming and or hygiene or you are just simply difficult to get along with, take the proper actions. You just may need to enter into confidential psychotherapy and process past hurt or relationship difficulties.

Just remember, there is a reason why you just might be alone. I have compiled some of the most common reason that people fail in relationships. As you read each step, take an inventory and see if you fit the aveat. Also, if you are in a bad relationship and are afraid to leave, check out my book., “Am I in a Bad Relationship?” I am sure that it will be helpful.

Reasons your could be single:

1. Bad Attitude.

2. Excessive neediness

3. Issues with TRUST

4. Obesity and self-image disparities( You are not comfortable with who you are)

5.  History of childhood abuse

6. History of adult past relationship abuse

7.  Sexuality Confusion (If there is such a thing)

8. Excessively “high” expectations of others

9. Financial woes

10.  Impotence or Bedroom Woes

Thanks for stopping by,


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