Fighting Obesity on a Shoestring Budget

Fighting the battle of the bulge is seemingly becoming more difficult for many of my patients. Several of them are willing to give-up to 1) The Wills of Fried Chicken; 2) The Culprit of Cupcakes and 3)The Sensation of a Cheeseburger Doubled with Mayonnaise.  All of these can be  artery cloggers. Can you beat this battle?  Many people have lost hope, but I am a witness that it can be done.  I lost 80 pounds. A healthier lifestyle is obtainable with practice and consistency.  You have to start by saying, “I can fight this battle.” Obesity can be just like cancer.  When you get the diagnosis, start saying to yourself “I Can Win!” Don’t be afraid to fight; Don’t give-up too soon and it is never too late.  Many people wait until after that near death experience before deciding to “make that change.” I admonish you to start today making healthier choices, becoming more active and fighting for a more active lifestyle.”

But first, remember you can do this on a “shoe-string” budget. You may ask the question, just how can I do this on my small budget. The essential ingredient is planning. You must plan your meals. The haphazard preparation of food and quick darts into fast-food restaurants is probably what got you here in the first place. So planning your daily 3 meals and 2 snacks will only be more economical for you. Remember that you have to be as conscientious about planning your meals as planning your day. Set a budget and stick to it. You will find yourself saving money the first few weeks but simply not going out every night to pick-up something quick.

Take a look at this video and then take the quiz below.


  1. Are you constantly tired?
  2. Do you believe that you are overweight?
  3. Are you afraid to go to the doctor?
  4. Have you been suffering from chronic headaches lately?
  5. What is your blood pressure?
  6. Does diabetes and heart disease run in your family?

Based on your answers to the above questions, you may need to seek out the care of a physician or go immediately to the emergency room.

Signs of Serious Medical Complications of Obesity.

  • Chest Pain
  • Frequent urination and or thirst
  • Blood in your urine or stool
  • Unexplained chronic rash
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Unexplained blood in your underwear
  • Chronic headaches

If your BMI is >25% you should schedule an appointment with your primary care physician or his designated  and selected specialists.

Other initial behavior changes that can be helpful:

  1. Decrease your intake of sweets and carbohydrates
  2. Increase your water intake
  3. Decrease you intake of high and saturated fats
  4. Increase your physical activity over time

I am hoping that this video helped you in some way. Feel free to call my office at (404)575-4785 if more consultation is needed.

By the way, many people over-eat when in bad or faulty relationships. You should probably check out my new e-book, “Am I in a Bad Relationship?” The book can be found @ I am sure you will enjoy the book.

Thanks for visiting the blog,


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