“Don’t You Remember You Told Me that You Loved Me, Baby?”

This week is dedicated to all of the people out there on lover’s lane. I know some of you may be trying to figure out, “How do I make my lover fall back in love with me” I have a couple of simple solutions for you to try. I sure hope that this works.

  1. Order Flowers this week, anytime. You don’t have to wait until Thursday.
  2. Prepare his /her favorite meal.
  3. Think out of the regular “box of chocolates.”
  4. Buy a special or new fragrance.
  5. Make them laugh or smile.
  6. Try NOT to discuss finances this week.
  7. GO ahead and get the ring or their ring-size.
  8. Plan a trip.
  9. Order some old school music. (i.e. Whitney or Luther)
  10. Kiss them somewhere different.

These are just some new strategies that I thought up this week. I hope that you will be adventurous and not take your lover/spouse for granted this week. Now I have a couple of don’t s for this week.

  1. Don’t run out at the last minute and purchase a card from Walgreen’s Thursday.
  2. Don’t be stuffy or downplay Thursday like it is any old other day.
  3. Don’t get too busy at work and be tuckered out for love after work.
  4. Find a babysitter for the kids on Thursday.
  5. Don’t let the bank close before you get the money out for your gifts.
  6. Don’t try that IOU stuff again this year.
  7. You don’t have to go to the gym or work-out this Thursday.
  8. Thursday is NOT Mother’s Day.
  9. DO Bible Study a day earlier, not Thursday this week.
  10. Prepare the children a separate meal and put them to bed a few hours earlier. (Or just let them watch video games downstairs)

Let‘s make Valentine’s Day 2013 something Special. I guarantee you if you follow Dr.O’s advice this year, that relationship will soar to an all new level. He will finally get you that ring. She will go ahead and get you those season tickets. This year will be a very Special Valentine’s Day for you.

Like what you’ve read so far? Purchase Dr. O’s new book “Am I in a Bad Relationship?” for more relationship advice.

-AskDrO Staff


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