Spring Cleaning: Get Out of That Bad Relationship Now! Part 1

Clean Out Your Relationship Closet in Time for Spring!

Nothing feels better than thinking you finally found the ONE.

Similarly, nothing feels worse than realizing you were wrong

That brings us to the theme of this spring season: “Out with the Bad, In with Good.”

This time of year is perfect for a relationship wake-up call. While you’re dusting off that bookshelf and reorganizing your coat closet, don’t neglect some spring-cleaning in your life… it’s all about putting your energy in the right places! Especially when it comes to your relationships!


Bad relationships take more from you than they seem to give back. They cost time, money, emotional energy and potentially, personal health. If you are in a bad relationship… get out! It’s time to open your door to blooming flowers, hatching eggs and a more fulfilling love-life this spring. Why? … because you absolutely deserve it and there is no better time than NOW.


Follow these steps to Get Out of that Bad Relationship Now:


1.     Evaluate your relationship.


*Make a list of pros and cons, considering the following questions:

Is there evidence of mutual respect in the relationship- do you feel valued? Does your significant other challenge your boundaries in a non-productive way? Can you say you trust him/her? Has he/she given you reason to suspect that he/she is being dishonest? Do you feel supported- is he/she your shoulder to cry on or your partner in celebrating your victories? How equal are your give-and-take dynamics? What is your communication like—do you speak openly about your feelings, and vice-versa?


*Assess the Results:

If your list reveals that you’re in an unhealthy relationship, with more cons than pros, and you see clear reasons that it isn’t working, it’s time to move on. Bad relationships are extremely detrimental to your perception of self-worth and your chances at finding real love. The longer you linger in an unhealthy relationship, the harder it can be to recover.


Not to mention, there’s no justification (or time) for mistreatment… ever.


2. Assess yourself.


One of the hardest parts of getting out of a bad relationship is staying focused on WHY you’ve chosen to do so. Thus, it’s important to remind yourself WHY you deserve it… and likewise, WHY you deserve BETTER!


*Sit down and write down all the reason you deserve to be happy, find love and have a fulfilling life. While you’re making the list, remember the following:

a.) Your wellness is always a priority, whether you are in or out of a romantic relationship.

b.) You are worthy of making decisions that will put you in a better place.

c.) It’s okay to be “selfish” when focusing on your own needs. If you don’t take care of yourself, nobody else will. Neglecting your needs will also leave you with less to give those you love.


TO BE CONTINUED……Stay tuned for Part 2 on Wednesday!

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