Spring Cleaning: Get Out of That Bad Relationship Now! Part 2

Pack your bags and get to stepping!


Part 2 of our Spring Cleaning: Get Out of That Bad Relationship Now!

I’m offering a continuation of the steps needed to move on from a bad relationship.

Read part 1 here.

3.     Set Goals and Make a “Healing” Roadmap


Saying “it’s over” to someone you once thought was worth everything is hard. It’s going to take willpower and commitment. And, the best way to get out, is to see your way out. So, it’s important to set goals, anticipate a road of healing and visually map out your path to the light at the end of the tunnel. This way, you will always see “the big picture”—which involves a happier and more fulfilled you.


*Make a plan of action post-break-up. If it calls for staying with a friend until you find another place, replacing your picture frames with other pictures or leaving for a weekend getaway, decide HOW and WHEN. Be sure to assign some time for yourself just to “focus on you.” It’s time to rebuild your inner person, the real you.


*Find support. Break-ups are difficult and it’s important to rely on people closest to you for encouragement and understanding. If the relationship was traumatic or especially difficult, consider getting professional help to best equip you with appropriate coping skills. There are also support groups that may be available locally, which can be extremely helpful for some.


*Nurture your spiritual side. Look for activities that will contribute to finding your “inner peace.” This may involve exercise, yoga, meditation, reading, church, painting or other activities that will progress your ability to “move on.” Channel any negative feelings to your focus on feeling empowered.


4.     Be Ready for What’s Next!

Don’t be afraid to fall in love again. With every bad relationship, you are one step closer to finding a better and GOOD relationship. Every experience, good or bad, will make you stronger and better able to find what you’re really looking for in the future.


I’ll be rooting for you!! You deserve to FIND LOVE and BE LOVED. But as always, you must love yourself first. And, that means taking control of your life and your destiny. Releasing yourself from a dead end relationship is a great step towards maximizing the changing seasons and moving on towards a better future.


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